Friday, December 30, 2011

RadioWeave Silence

RadioWeave has been unplugged. We're sorry this attempt to make individualized, fully-programmable radio did not click with enough people.The world will have to wait a little longer for someone to recreate and hopefully perfect the single "play" button that will give every person their perfect mix of news, music, talk, comedy, essays, sports, debates, twitter & facebook & email, live user-generated reports and commentary, bird songs, karaoke songs, whale songs… all things audio.

If you have contributed content to RadioWeave, and want those audio files sent to you, send a request to "".

Over and out.


  1. Looks just too early. See how things will change and ready to start again!

  2. I'll miss it for sure, even if I didn't use it every day it was really an awesome way to listen to everything from podcasts to tweets all in one flow. If there was a program for my own computer that did the same thing I'd probably buy it and blissfully use it alone even if nobody else did :)

  3. Appreciate all you have done. I think there's a strong market for Soundbiter to live on as an independent app. I use it alot to record business meetings and capture unexpected ideas as they come up in sound snippits. Then I crop and email them out as appropriate. It's a brilliant app for that.

    PLEASE consider bringing Soundbiter back, without the upload to server stuff, as a standalone app for capturing and emailing the past. Thankfully I still have it installed and it still works, but friends and associates can't find it in the app store anymore. You can easily get $1.99 to $2.99 for it and put it on sale from time to time for $.99 or free. Perhaps over time you'll make enough to fund your grander vision. You've put so much into this apps interface, it would be a shame to go to waste.

    Thanks again for thinking ahead of your time by capturing the past in ours....

  4. Well. That sucks... I remember when it was two pieces of software for the iphone... Anyway, I'll miss it and hopefully some of the community will be willing to stay in touch... You were a fun bunch to listen to and weave back and forth with.

  5. Brent:

    I enjoyed using your product, and I will miss it. I think it was a great way to listen to podcasts, and I really liked being able to listen to tweets too. Just letting RadioWeave run while I was doing work around the house was really convenient. Hope your next endeavor works out well. Thank you for putting it out there.
